Welcome to Season 15 with Utah Voices!

Rehearsals will resume September 4, 7:30-9pm
165 W Monarch Dr. in Bountiful, Utah

We are thrilled that you are interested in singing with Utah Voices as a new or returning member! We are looking forward to another season of fun and inspiring concerts with a wide variety of challenging styles and genres to prepare. Please read through the following information in it's entirety so you know what to expect for the season. For potential new members, you can find additional information about concert attire and our other membership policies on our Become a Member page. If you have any questions, you can direct them to Kara at members@utahvoices.org.


*Winter's LightSaturday December 14, 2024, 7:30pm, Libby Gardner Hall with the Herriman Community Orchestra
*Winter's Light" reprise (condensed) - Thursday December 19th, Tabernacle on Temple Square. This concert will be with piano only and is a condensed version of the December 14th concert in order to fit in a 45 minute time slot.
*Broadway Bingo! - March 2025

*Spring concertlate May/early June depending on venue availability 


Early summer 2025. We are thrilled for the opportunity to go on tour next year somewhere in the U.S. Location, dates, cost, etc. are still being determined, and information will be provided as soon as it is finalized. Members will be paying their own way. We are certain it will be a wonderful experience! Please read in our membership policies below for an important note about pariticpation requirements in order to be eligible to go on tour.


The deadline for new members to join in order to sing for the December concerts is September 11th, which is our second rehearsal. We will not be accepting any new members after that deadline - they will have to wait until January 2025 to join. Tell your friends!


Participation requirements for this season are going to look slightly different than previous years, primarily because of our plan to go on tour next summer. All dates are subject to change:

  • Singers can join in September to sing for the whole season or at the beginning of each new concert prep. The points of entry for this season are:
    • by September 11th for the whole season or Christmas concerts
    • by January 15th for Broadway Bingo, spring concert, and tour
    • after Broadway Bingo for the spring concert only (cutoff date will be clarified once we have secured the date for Broadway Bingo)    
  • Tour - if you plan to go on choir tour, it is required that you prep for both Broadway Bingo (beginning January 8th) and the spring concert as we will be building our tour repertoire from these two concerts. There will be no exceptions. 

Dues: Membership dues are $165 and will be due by September 11, 2024. Returning members will be invoiced in August, and new members will be invoiced as soon as they have a member profile on our website. Emailing members@utahvoices.org to express your interest in joining will begin that process. Membership dues will not be prorated at any time during the season.

Attendance: A minimum of 70% attendance is required for each concert prep period in order to be eligible to sing in the concert.


The deadline to purchase music for the Christmas concerts is September 11th.
Music packets will be available to purchase prior to each concert prep period. Returning choir members can purchase their music now in the Online Shop. New choir members will be able to purchase music once they have a member profile on our website. Emailing members@utahvoices.org to express your interest in joining will begin that process.

As you can see, we have an exciting season planned for this year, and we sincerely hope you will be joining us. See you September 4th!